Thursday, June 26, 2008


Conservatives are rejoicing with the Supreme Court’s decision concerning the Washington D.C. ban on the ownership of handguns. Don’t get me wrong I am pleased with the decision of the high Court, but what bothers me is the fact any governmental body would ever consider such a law. I believe the 2nd amendment is clear on the issue of the personal ownership of guns. The decision from the Supreme Court was 5-4 clearly split along ideological lines. I fail to see how there is any question of the right of the people to keep and bear Arms. For any of you who think gun laws are going to keep you safe by keeping guns out of criminals’ hands once again you are wrong. Since criminals do not follow other laws what makes you think the will follow gun laws. Criminals do not follow the law that is what makes them criminals. Gun laws only affect those who abide by the law.

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