Sunday, July 1, 2007

Hot Dogs

This is America and it is time we get back to being Americans. It is time we fix the damage done to this country by babyboomers over the last 40 years.

The hot dog is American and as Americans it is time we protect our institutions. We must stop the use of ketchup on hot dogs. There are acceptable ways to eat hot dogs and the use of ketchup is unacceptable.

I will spell out some of the acceptable ways to dress a dog.

1. plain

2. mustard

3. mustard & relish*

4. mustard and onions

5. chili

6. chili onions

7. chili cheese

8. chili onions mustard

* The best and most American way

there are several other acceptable ways to eat your hot dog, but none of the include the use of ketchup. IF YOU PUT KETCHUP ON HOT DOGS YOU DON'T LOVE AMERICA.


American Guy said...
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American Guy said...

Hotdogs are an all American food. Some people eat them with ketchup. You have every right to think they're wrong, but we should rejoice in the fact that at least they're eating hotdogs and not sushi or some other non-American food.